So Brian and I went to the doctor today and I FINALLY have some progress! I'm 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced! I don't know if that means much, but it's something...right???
Funny story...
I found out what a contraction is. All this time, I thought I hadn't had any contractions...well...I was wrong. While the Dr. was feeling my belly she said, "You're having a contraction right now!" I thought that when my stomach gets really hard and I can't hardly breath, that the baby was just in a funny position that was making me uncomfortable. I guess I just thought it should hurt more! Haha...I know...the things you learn the first time around:)
So everyone knows, if labor doesn't happen, I'll be induced on October 3rd! I can handle knowing that at the most, I only have to wait another week and a half:) The end is near!!! Hurray!
Cara Menghilangkan Flu Pada Ibu Hamil
3 months ago