Hey Family & Friends!
Welcome to the McCrady's blog! I thought this would be a fun way to keep everyone updated on our extremely interesting lives...ha! I know blogging is a great way of journaling and with exciting times ahead...I definitely want to remember it all! Thanks for taking the time to check in and see what's going on!
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, April 6, 2009

{15 weeks}

Little prego update...
I know that at 12 or 13 weeks I thought I was in the clear of feeling sick...I think I had spoke too soon!! Although I do feel A MILLION times better, I still deal with the occasional nausea and vomiting. As long as it's not ALL day I can definitely handle it! It's such a weird thing when your stomach starts to expand...I always feel like maybe this shouldn't be happening yet...but I guess there's no stopping it! Brian gets an A+ as a husband:) He's been super helpful throughout this whole process and has never once complained! He's taken over the duty of grocery shopping and making dinner. I appreciate his help SO much!! I can't wait to see him as a dad! Next week I have another appointment...4 months...CRAZY! I always look forward to hearing the heartbeat!


  1. Look at you poking out! :) You look so cute. I can't wait to see you...missed you so! Love ya...

  2. That's my grand baby! You're looking good honey. Keep me posted!

  3. Hey....I finally made it to your family blog. I couldn't figure out what it was, but I found it. So, howdy...you're lookin good! Can't wait to find out what mini mccrady is going to be :)
