Hey Family & Friends!
Welcome to the McCrady's blog! I thought this would be a fun way to keep everyone updated on our extremely interesting lives...ha! I know blogging is a great way of journaling and with exciting times ahead...I definitely want to remember it all! Thanks for taking the time to check in and see what's going on!
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

{a few weeks ago}

Well I got a little behind on blogging...if you follow my photography blog I've been just as behind with that too! I've really been enjoying pregnancy this past month:) Around 20 weeks I finally got a legit belly...not a bloated I just got done eating a huge meal belly, but a baby belly:) It's still not very big...in fact people act shocked when they find out I'm pregnant and almost 6 months along. I guess I'll take it as a good thing...but then doesn't that mean they think I look fat? Haha:) Also around 20 weeks I started to feel my little girly kick! It is just the BEST feeling in the whole world! I love it and can't get enough of it right now. Actually as I'm writing this, I can now see my stomach move a little bit when she moves! It's crazy! Brian's been able to feel her a few times, but she tends to freeze up when he puts his hand on my stomach. This weekend I'll be 6 months pregnant! It's amazing how fast this is flying by! I'll have to take a new pic...here's a picture from when I was 5 months.