Hey Family & Friends!
Welcome to the McCrady's blog! I thought this would be a fun way to keep everyone updated on our extremely interesting lives...ha! I know blogging is a great way of journaling and with exciting times ahead...I definitely want to remember it all! Thanks for taking the time to check in and see what's going on!
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

{39 weeks...3 days}

So Brian and I went to the doctor today and I FINALLY have some progress! I'm 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced! I don't know if that means much, but it's something...right???
Funny story...
I found out what a contraction is. All this time, I thought I hadn't had any contractions...well...I was wrong. While the Dr. was feeling my belly she said, "You're having a contraction right now!" I thought that when my stomach gets really hard and I can't hardly breath, that the baby was just in a funny position that was making me uncomfortable. I guess I just thought it should hurt more! Haha...I know...the things you learn the first time around:)
So everyone knows, if labor doesn't happen, I'll be induced on October 3rd! I can handle knowing that at the most, I only have to wait another week and a half:) The end is near!!! Hurray!


  1. I'm excited for you Shelly...can't wait to see your sweet little girl! Good news you received from the doctor...she'll be coming before you know it!

  2. Yay!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited! Way to go baby McCrady! Come meet us! :)
